
2024-03-06 17:54:21


His Word Does Not Return Void: A Conversation with Rev. Dr. Bernice A. King


I grew up in a household, where serving others, was not only, spoken about, but it was lived about. A scripture that is shared mostly in our household, is "he who is the greatest among you, shall be the servant of you all"(Matthew 23:11). My mother invokes that quite often as an example of who my father was. It was always about, thinking outside of yourself. 我从小是在一个注重服事的家庭长大的,在我们家,事奉他人,不仅仅是言传,更是身体力行的准则。家里常被提起的一句经文是,“你们当中谁更大,谁就应当做你们的仆人”(马太福音23:11)我妈妈常常借这句经文来向我们描画父亲的为人,以此来鞭策我们要常常从自我为中心抽离出来,去关爱和事奉别人。

We say it, in a vernacular, people would rather see a sermon than hear a sermon. We have to be the word, and my mother literarily was the word for me, on a day to day basis and espeically in the area of service, and forgiveness. She was able to transcend the pain, and still esteem a hand and a heart to those individuals. And just living with that, it gripped me. And I had, I had struggles for years, with all of the anger, that I had, I started developing hate for white people, because I feel like, you know, they killed my father. And some of that is because I am still, grieving. The first loss, second loss, third loss, several other losses. Then, in more recent times, my mom and my sister 16 months apart, is the hardest for me. 我们这的土话说的好“人们更愿意看到身边相似的生命真实活出来的讲道,而不是在教堂里听到纸上谈兵”。(是的,对很多不了解基督教信仰的人,我们也许就是他们唯一能接触到的教会和圣经)也正因为如此,我们有责任要让自己的生命活出上帝的话语的权柄和真实(西注:神的道成肉身和我们的:“肉身成道”)。对我自己而言,妈妈,就是我每天的活圣经,尤其是在事奉和原谅这两个领域。面对父亲的遇刺,她能超逾难以想象的痛苦,依然向那些夺取她丈夫生命的人伸出爱和援助的双手。每天在她身边见证她这样的胸襟和态度,也深深的触动和影响着我。因为父亲的遇害,我这些年一直都处在挣扎,和被愤怒囚禁当中。因为我一直无法释怀他们杀害了我的父亲。我后来知道,那其实是因为我从来没有完全卸下失去父亲的伤痛,再加上之后接二连三的亲人的离去,直到最近,我母亲和比我大16个月的姐姐的逝去,一度让我的痛苦达到了顶峰。(后来是神的话让我慢慢放下仇恨和痛苦)

"...What doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? (Micah 6:8)" 祂向你们所要的是什么呢?是要你们行公义,好怜悯,谦卑地与你们的上帝同行 (弥迦书 6:8)。

While we are doing justice, we have to love mercy and we have to work humbly with our God. There is a world, that operates outside of this natural world that we all live in and see. That's real. It's more real than this world that we're in. And when you operate out of the scripture, out of God's words, He is obligated to honor it. His words will not return void. 是的,当我们行公义,我们要怀着一颗怜悯的心,来谦卑地与我们的神同行。 也许我们不会常常强烈的感知到,但是在我们所生存所亲见的这个自然的世界之外,的确有另一个更真实的世界,在神的话语的运筹帷幄下运行着。它是真实的,甚至比我们肉眼可见的世界更真实。当我们在这个肉眼可见的世界高举圣经,高举神满有权能的话语的时候,神尊容我们这样的心, 他的话语的大能会从那个国度因着我们的信心被释放出来,并渗透进我们的生命和生活中。是的,他的话语从来不会徒劳无益。

So, when you start practicing in this way, doing justice, and loving mercy as you do justice, work humbly with your God. It just invites Him into the equation and gives Him room to operate. That is what I have become understand about the word of God. If I honor Him, He's gonna honor me. If I honor His words, He's gonna honor me. That why I think my farther surpassed. My farther was a living apostle. He literarily embodied the spirit of Christ. There is power in believing and lining yourself up with God's words. That's the most important thing about social justice today. It needs to be aligned with the word of God. 所以当我们这样操练他的话语,去为公义而战,同时不丢弃一颗怜悯人的心谦卑的与神同行的时候,我们其实是在邀请上帝参与到我们的事工当中,并且给他空间去施展拳脚。这就是我后来慢慢悟到的什么才是真正活出神的话语(“肉身成道”)。我父亲曾经是一位战斗力旺盛的使徒。他身体力行的活出了圣灵同在的样子。信靠神的话语和被神的话语不断塑造的生命,是满有大能的。也是当今所有的社会民权运动的核心。是的,我们所有对平等和自由的诉求,都应当来源于圣经。



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