

今天第一天在多伦多玩,考虑尼亚加拉大瀑布 (Niagara Falls)和Marine land 离的很近,就用一天来玩吧。上次在魁北克玩的时侯,因为懒,去的教堂和瀑布叫什么中文名字,到现在还没有查呢,其实去玩就好了,管它什么名字,我只看到了英文法语的名字,其实在很多国家,名字都是不翻译的,容易走音走型,记住原名就好了。:)

今天早上不到七点半就出发了,开了一个多小时才到尼亚加拉大瀑布( Niagara Falls),今天阳光很足,很早太阳就已经很热了,我没有戴帽子,心想还是早上,不会太热,结果很晒人,拍了很多照,孩子只嚷嚷去Marine land玩,也是这次自驾游的主要目的吧,沿着大瀑布走了几段就回到车里开往Marine land了。老公说下午或是晚上过来散步或是拍照效果更好些吧,总之景色很美,很壮观的感觉,水很蓝很清澈,一路急流就是为了一起流向最下游吧,大自然的景色没得说的,美,很美!很多博友大概已经去过了,我以前也来过一次,就是开车路过,没有停下来,因为时间有点紧,又很晚了,就在想下次再好好看看吧,这次来了,第一天就想来看,想看的地方才更有吸引力吧,我想看瀑布,孩子最想玩Marine land,还好,一天解决了两个人的小小心愿。

从尼亚加拉大瀑布( Niagara Falls)开车到Marine land,连五分钟都不到,找个有些阴凉的地方停了车。就进去玩了。也是以前来过一次,直奔喜欢的几个地方去玩。很多都是年龄很小的孩子玩的,我们都没去坐,一是玩过,感觉一般,二是人还挺多,排队需要很长时间,等到才玩一会,很多都是不到一分钟,不过瘾。所以很多都没玩,就玩了几个喜欢的。天气很热,走了两圈下来,就已经很累了,今天31度,很热,回来的时侯,停车的地方,一些路段都晒软了,一踩油都冒出来了,可见今天有多热。



今晚好好睡个好觉,算是养精蓄锐吧!明天继续陪孩子玩! :)

It took a few days, no smell

Originally prepared to use the results of the home is not put on the use of a few days to change this does not give back

Nice to buy their own special wallpaper like a solid wood oh

Pretty good, before the tangle will not buy the bed color does not take, the results are quite good ride


Very heavy, very solid!

Quality clearance, is solid wood. It's a big deal.

Exquisite workmanship, elegant atmosphere, literary fan feeling, satisfaction

4 year old daughter is very skin, climbed to the table to play, I began to worry about the table can not afford to fold out, under observation, no problem,

Baby received, the packaging is very good, not a little damage! Cheap quality is good! Worth recommending!

To help my colleagues to buy, my colleagues back to say that the quality is very good, with him to see the picture is the same, waiting for the assembly on the map.

Installed! Love it

The light is very bright and bought two very good overall satisfaction with the installation

A little disappointed, that hanging on the inside of the wind can be blown up, if there is a fixed.

It's not worth the price

Sellers of good service, genuine goods at a fair price, give you a good, next time come.

Pro, there are problems in a timely manner to contact us Oh, 7 days no reason to return, damage free send. If you have any questions, please take pictures to us, we will give you the most satisfactory results! Pro, you brightness is not enough, we can say

Things are not installed, such as house decoration and then loaded, and then come back to evaluate


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