背包徒步-安第斯山到太平洋(阿根廷到智利)- (1)

2024-05-11 22:26:13

背包徒步-安第斯山到太平洋(阿根廷到智利)- (1) 

Backpacking - From the Andes to the Pacific 3/11-3/20/2016


"安第斯山到太平洋”这个题目挺忽悠人,有标题党之嫌,但不是我命名的。这是Atlanta Outdoor Club(亚特兰大户外俱乐部,简称AOC)打出的招牌。我为之心动并不是这条步道名气大,而是因为参加者的成份。发起人兼领队65岁,其中最年长者73岁,是位老奶奶。以往总是跟小字辈们一起徒步,觉的自己有点疯狂,也常疑惑是不是该收脚止步玩些老年运动(想不出有什么好玩的)。一看到这份名单我就乐了,有找到组织的感觉,根本没仔细研究徒步路线就报了名。






Hi Richard,

My friend, XX, is very interested in joining us to backpack the Andes in March of 2016.

I have been backpacking with her twice these year.

First time, with another friend from Michigan, we backpacked 4 days the Rocky Mountain of Colorado in Aug. of this year. We camped at an altitude of 12,500 ft in Boulder’s Field. The next day, we hiked all the way to the Key Hole. Due to extra ordinary strong wind, we were not able to summit the Longs Peak.

The second trip we backpacked together with other two friends was backpacking the JMT this Sept. We hiked 8 days and 92 miles and summitted Mt. Whitney, which is about 15,000 ft.

Besides hiking and backpacking, XX is also a long distance runner. She finished her first half Marathon this year.

She is a very nice person and can get along with people very easy. And she is always ready to help others when there is a need.

Please consider to let her join us in hiking the Andes to the Pacific.



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