Blue Matcha Butterfly Pea Powder 4 Oz | OkO-OkO - Premium - 100% Natural from flowers of Ternatea Thailand No additives - infusion, Blue Herbal tea, Organic Vegan food coloring, cocktail, meal, baking

2024-02-08 12:53:51

Blue Matcha Butterfly Pea Powder 4 Oz | OkO-OkO - Premium - 100% Natural from flowers of Ternatea Thailand No additives - infusion, Blue Herbal tea, Organic Vegan food coloring, cocktail, meal, baking

1) - WHY NOT naturally color your cakes, your kitchen with a beautiful blue, purple or pink. Make your own anti-aging creams naturally colored by adding powder to a basic moisturizing cream. Why not drinking a beautiful blue tea with all its benefits... 2) - OUR POWDER is extracted naturally by a mechanical process called "dry spray". This consists of finely crushing the flowers and pulverizing them with air to bring out the finer parts and be collected naturally. 3) - IT'S EASY to use and perfectly soluble powder. It keeps all the characteristics of the flowers. There is nothing but pulverized flowers in our powder. No additives, preservatives, sugar or anything else artificial. 4) - CLITORIA TERNATEA is a flower of the Fabaceae family. It is a climbing plant that grows in tropical equatorial Asia. Its name comes from the shape of the flower which looks like the female erectile organ. Clitoria ternatea is also known as Blue Pea, Savannah Pea, Butterfly Pea. 5) - ONE OF THE BEST attributes of this flower is its beautiful blue color, due to the pigments extracted from its petals. The molecule of this natural dye is anthocyanin, from the biochemical family of flavonoids. The flavonic compounds of anthocyanin give red, pink, blue, purple and violet colors. The color of anthocyanins depends on the chemical structure and can vary depending on the acidity of the environment. The blue can vary from pinkish-purple at pH 2-3-4 acidic to brilliant blue at pH 7 neutral. 6) - MOREOVER, the pigment extracted from its petals is an antioxidant. Antioxidants are essential allies in the fight against certain degenerative diseases, limiting the effects of aging while strengthening the immune system. 7) - ABOUT OKO-OKO - 2021 will be the year of our arrival on Amazon with some of our bestsellers. We have existed for three years through our website, where we sell many products around the world of tea. OkO-OkO is above all, the story of a passion dedicated to discoveries and travel. We

Product Information

  • WHAT IS THE BUTTERFLY PEA? It is a liana from South East Asia which makes beautiful blue flowers. Used as medicine and Blue food coloring, it's an important natural source of antioxidants that helps to keeps you healthy, Stress free and good for Skin, hair.
  • E-BOOK: Download our Butterfly Pea Guide with many kinds of recipes and informations. Make blue cakes, blue pancakes, hot drinks and cocktails with surprising colors. Become an expert in the uses of Clitoria Ternatea.QR code on the package.
  • POWDER OR FLOWER? Well, our Powder is 100% Dry Spray flowers without anything else. Flower will be more recommended for tea, but with the soluble Powder of Butterfly Pea you can do all the same and even more as backing, cooking just by adding a spoon of pure Powder
  • BLUE MATCHA. It's a fact that Butterfly powder is on the rise among traditional Matcha lovers. It is an alternative for the evening because of its absence of caffeine. Our Butterfly Powder is specially adapted to prepare Blue Matcha.
  • COLOR CHANGING. Another feature that makes the Butterfly Pea so magic is its change of color depending on the acidity (PH). Composed of 2 pigments, its color varies between deep blue, purple and pink. It's a real fun to play with this particularity.


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