Hot wood Canon electronic violin violin / Violin / mute silent electro acoustic violin with case

2024-02-09 01:41:21






充满浓郁的夏威夷风土人情的波利尼西亚文化中心(Polynesian Cultural Center),通过对太平洋岛屿上的波利尼西亚人日常生活场面的表演与模拟,向游客展示波利尼西亚文化历史与传统,文化与艺术,深受游客喜爱。

参观珍珠港历史景区的亚利桑那号战舰纪念馆(USS Arizona Memorial)。

恐龙湾(Hanauma Bay),因山脊形似卧伏着的恐龙而得名。这里水浅浪平,风景秀丽,各种珊瑚礁,热带鱼类等海洋生物活跃于此。

钻石山(Dimond Head)是一座海拔232米的死火山,从山脚到山顶仅需半小时可徒步登顶。山顶上可俯瞰威基基海滩(Waikiki Beach)和欧胡岛南海岸的全景。

山上有地下隧道和遗留下来的军事设施鲁格堡(Fort Ruger)

欧胡岛上还有美国领土上唯一的皇室宫殿 —— 伊欧拉尼皇宫(Iolani Palace),是夏威夷群岛最具历史意义的人文景观之一,是由夏威夷王国历史上的“快乐国王”大卫 . 卡拉卡瓦国王(King David Kalakaua)于1882年始建,耗时3年完成的极具意大利文艺复兴风格的皇宫,被誉为“太平洋上的凡尔赛宫”。

欧胡岛上还有座日式神庙夏威夷平等院(Byodo-in Temples),又名神庙谷(Valley of the Temples),它坐落在海拔610米的葱郁的柯劳山脉中,是为庆祝日裔移民移居夏威夷100周年而于明治元年即1968年建成的。




欧胡岛有这么多神奇壮丽的自然和人文景观,也有繁华热闹的都市氛围。最著名的阿拉莫阿那中心(Ala Moana Center)就是夏威夷最大规模的商业中心,店铺林立,商贾云集,游客可以在此购物,享受夏威夷风格的美味佳肴。



Hot wood Canon electronic violin violin / Violin / mute silent electro acoustic violin with case

Super super sink, size is good, work is also good

The table is very beautiful, very practical, I feel very valuable to buy this, like the pro start

Very beautiful, I want leather

Small parts have a little problem, the store immediately reissued the whole pack very satisfied, not too small bump Virgo, worth buying, with a real map of everything


Oh, it is very good to buy the rest assured that it is good to buy direct services and materials

Yes, good is not the same, beautiful

Nothing to say eleven things to buy international logistics are running a circle

I'm sorry pro, we never give light ah, we only produce furniture, shop lights are buy ah, if that send, we all know, part of the cost will be added to the inside, only if you need advice or pro lamp, specializing in the production of light business purchas

Good style, with a good look!

The dressing table is very beautiful, finally found a completely Miaojin, very satisfied with it, more and more love

Yes, the main color is very coordinated, with our office is very similar, and so we have to expand the office when ordering, then the seller to give some concessions oh

The lamp already installed, three speed adjustment, the quality is really very good

Yes, very good.

Delivery speed is a little problem, customer service is very good to solve the next delivery note good.

Fast delivery, good quality, after the house is very bright, very power-saving, simple installation, very satisfied with a shopping.

Not yet used, feeling pretty good! Bought another one! To be judged

Package look is good, that is, there is no small space separated from space


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