Kitchen multifunctional thick plastic chopping board

Kitchen multifunctional thick plastic chopping board
Kitchen multifunctional thick plastic chopping board
Kitchen multifunctional thick plastic chopping board
Kitchen multifunctional thick plastic chopping board
Kitchen multifunctional thick plastic chopping board


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Kitchen multifunctional thick plastic chopping boardBuy one
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Kitchen multifunctional thick plastic chopping boardBuy two


The kitchen has a multi-purpose thick plastic cutting board with a built-in filter pan that can be easily installed on the sink, saving counter space and making food preparation more convenient. This chef's 20-inch cutting board features a non-slip silicone end that is easy to handle and can measure any cutting fruit and vegetable cutting task. It has a detachable 2.5-quart collapsible colander that allows you to rinse and discharge items above the sink as they are cut or trimmed. When you have done all the work, the polyethylene sheet can be safely used in the dishwasher for easy cleaning.

Polymer sheets for any cutting task - fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry or fish
Easy to operate with non-slip silicone end
Easy to clean and safe in the dishwasher

Product Details:
material: plastic
Shape: square


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