Sammons Preston Therapy Putty for Physical Therapeutic Hand Exercise, Flexible Putty for Finger and Hand Recovery and Rehabilitation, Strength Training, Occupational Therapy, 2 Ounce, Extra Firm, Gray
For over 50 years, Sammons Preston has been the premier brand in aids to daily living and home care devices. Sammons Preston products are adaptive living aids that help people cope with their environment. Whether you are a Therapist or patient, someone with special needs, or just have a need to make life easier and more accessible, Sammons Preston products can help you. Occupational Therapists, physical Therapists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals rely on Sammons Preston adaptive utens
Product Features
- Pliable therapy putty comes in easily-identifiable
- Hassle-free, robust putty doesn't leave any resid
- Large one pound containers provide plenty of putt
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