Scorpio Symbol Juniors T-Shirt

2024-03-04 21:39:33

Scorpio, the scorpion: resiliant, triumphant, intense. You are said to the the most powerful of the Zodiac, wise and passionate beyond your years. You are warm and embracing, but often wear masks. Keep your contrary nature in check, for you are often your own worst enemy. Maintain positivity and you will no doubt succeed in life. Wear your symbol on this sky blue, 100% cotton fitted juniors t-shirt. (October 23 - November 21)

Tags:Astrology,BLU,color-blue,DTG,Juniors Apparel,Juniors T-Shirts,LG,MD,Motivational/Inspirational,OG,size-lg,SM,Womens,XL

Size - LG,MD,SM,XL

Color - Blue


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